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Commercial Sweeping Contractors
Serving Northwest Ohio • Michigan • Eastern Indiana
Locally Owned Since 1978

Progressive Sweeping Contractors, Inc. has a long-standing reputation for providing quality services that exceed our customer’s expectations.

Since 1978, ProSweep has offered a comprehensive range of power sweeping services including parking lot sweeping, street sweeping, warehouse scrubbing, industrial sweeping, construction sweeping, fugitive dust control, catch basin clean-out, and milling and paving sweeping. Our attention to detail guarantees that our sweeping equipment is in top operating condition when our customers need our services. Our operators and employees are not only extensively trained but they are also detailed, thorough, and efficient. Further, our years of experience and exceptional capabilities allow us to have liability insurance limits and bonding capacity surpassing most requirements.

The ProSweep standards of operation have a long-standing alignment with the North American Power Sweeping Association (NAPSA) guidelines as Certified Sweeping Company (CSC), has been one of the first power sweeping companies in the country to become officially certified.

NAPSA’s formal CSC process begins with recognizing businesses operating in a professional manner and positively contributing to the overall image of the sweeping industry. Once NAPSA acknowledges a sweeping company, the business must then undergo an application process which outlines strict guidelines including safety, experience, continuing education, vehicle maintenance, employee screening, driving training, and adherence to the NAPSA code of ethics. The company seeking certification must provide specific information and documentation related to each guideline.

In addition to the CSC process, NAPSA has developed a Certified Sweeper Operator (CSO) distinction. The CSO training is extensive and details numerous skill sets including Sweeper Operation, Noise & Dust Issues, Lot Management, Dumping, Safety and Ethics. To earn the CSO designation, operators must complete the coursework in all NAPSA 18 modules, pass an oral exam, and complete 1,000 hours of accident and injury free sweeper operation. Being committed to completing the CSO training, exam, and driving requirements identifies operators in the sweeping industry as dedicated, knowledgeable, safe, and productive. NAPSA is currently utilizing the CSO achievement in its efforts to develop a power sweeping certification with American National Standards Institute (ANSI).

ProSweep is proud to be a member of NAPSA, to be a CSC, and currently employs two CSOs with many others working towards certification. Our dedication to professional standards allows our customers, employees, and the public to be confident in our commercial sweeping services.