1-800-SWEEPER Member Benefits
1-800-SWEEPER is a nationwide service network of independently owned power sweeping companies. 1-800-SWEEPER is a trusted, reliable, and valued-oriented alliance.
Unified Phone Number
Our unified phone number – 1800-793-3737 (SWEEPER, of course!) – allows our customers to find us when they need us, whether it be for continual service or emergencies. We provide nationwide coverage and are available 24/7 for rapid response and emergencies.
Cooperative Marketing
Our partners have access to our cooperative marketing structure. They also have the ability to utilize our centralized internet marketing and can publicize the 1-800-SWEEPER phone number on all their printed materials and their vehicles.
Exclusive Rights in Your Area Code
1-800-SWEEPER partners have the benefit of being the exclusive sweeping service contractor in their market area.
Purchasing Power
1-800-SWEEPER has the benefit of group purchasing which results in substantial savings for our partners. We have established strategic relationships with a select group of vendor partners, and have leveraged our consolidated buying power to create competitive pricing and incentives on parts, supplies, equipment, and fuel for our partners in each of their respective local markets. Municipalities and governments who partner with 1-800-SWEEPER can significantly save on their operating costs and pass the savings along to their tax-paying community members.
Competitive Advantages for Vendors
Combined partnership allows vendors the unique opportunity to grow their business as they have access to all 1-800-SWEEPER members. Ultimately, leveraging group purchasing through this co-op model reduces customer costs.
Standardized Training Tools Guarantees the Most Qualified Drivers
The scale of 1-800-SWEEPER’s nationwide group of partner sweeping companies allows us to actively create specialized tools to promote efficiency and success. The sweeper operator training simulation module is one example of our innovative tool that gives owners and managers in our partner companies the ability to test, train, and challenge new and veteran drivers.
Our goal is to be the best educated and most efficient safety-minded sweeping sales and service force in the industry. To date, we have developed and made available numerous training resources to our partners. In addition to the sweeper operator training simulation, partners have access to tools such as:
- Storm water remediation training
- Employee/operator online recruiting tool
- Screening and profile tests
Commitment to Quality and Ethical Standards
Each 1-800-SWEEPER partner also belongs to NAPSA – the North American Power Sweeping Association. NAPSA is a national nonprofit trade association committed to promoting and educating the power sweeping community. To become a Certified Sweeping Company (CSC) under the NAPSA guidelines, sweeping professionals must go through a strict application process detailing safety, continuing education, vehicle maintenance, driver training, and the NAPSA Code of Ethics. NAPSA members are also committed to enhancing the environment by preventing contaminated storm water runoff and controlling fugitive dust.
Partner Forum
1-800-SWEEPER offers an active year-round, partner forum on LinkedIn. Partner companies enjoy the opportunity to share best practices, engage in business discussions, post equipment sales, and more within this group. This private LinkedIn group is moderated and protected and allows top tier management to problem solve with other like-minded professionals.
1-800-SWEEPER Foundation Gives Back
To further serve the communities in which we work and live, 1-800-SWEEPER created the 1-800-SWEEPER Foundation to help local areas across the United States clean up following natural disasters, contribute to qualified environmental and community beautification initiatives, and support local Wounded Warriors programs. As a collective group, 1-800-SWEEPER has the ability to make a substantial difference and impact for community betterment.

Enhance your business environment with the proven experts.
Makes Good Sense—Curb Line to Bottom Line®

Commercial Sweeping Contractors
Makes Good Sense—Curb Line to Bottom Line®
We are your professional and reliable street and highway cleaner company.
ProSweep is proud to be part of
1-800-SWEEPER an exclusive nationwide service network of quality-driven independently owned power sweeping companies.
Contact Us
Phone: 1-800-793-3737
Ohio Location:
5202 Enterprise Boulevard, Suite B
Toledo, Ohio 43612
Office: 419-464-0130
Fax: (419) 464-0136
Michigan Location:
12564 N. Inkster Road
Redford Charter Township, MI 48239
Office: 313-937-7933
Fax: (419) 464-0136
ProSweep is proud to utilize Eagle Eye Tracking Software, a web based, mobile friendly business enterprise system that integrates job and route scheduling, billing and numerous business reporting processes into a single operating platform.